
Got something to say about the Autism Model School?

Drop us a quick review on Google. We’ll be super thankful and happy to read it!

What They’re Saying

“My son attends and has been here at the school since the age of six. I love it. They are always trying something new and he is learning,”

Parent Review from Facebook

“I can not share my gratitude enough. This school changed my child’s life.”

Parent Review from Google

“Just want to thank this school for the past 16 years. My daughter attended the school since they opened. They stayed up to date on every aspect. No other school could have filled its shoes. Great staff and the best guidance throughout the years! My daughter graduated with leaps and bounds!”

— Parent Review from Facebook

“When I first came to this school the teachers [were] really nice and very kind and I made a lot of friends there. I [went] to this school for 14 years and then graduated…I recommend this school to anyone with autism. May God bless this school…”

Student Review from Facebook

“Best possible opportunity for my son for past 7 years. Very, very grateful for every single teacher and support staff that has made it so productive for all these years.”

Parent Review from Facebook

“They treat students and parents with respect and caring. Wonderful people, wonderful place!”

— Parent Review from Google

*Identifiers, such as student names, have been removed from these quotes but may appear in the original reviews found on Facebook or Google.