Job Training, also known as Career Technical Education (CTE), is a key part of transition programming for many of our students.
Our CTE program offers a wide range of job skill instruction, suitable for students with differing levels of ability.
On Campus
We provide innovative–and, in some cases, custom-built–CTE activities on our school’s campus.
Here are some examples:
- Aut-To-Be Partners (Custom-Built) – a comprehensive e-commerce student enterprise offering hands-on experience in 14 positions across four departments of an active online store hosted through an Amazon Seller’s account
- PAES Lab – a simulated workplace where students clock-in and clock-out, follow instructions to complete a specific job task (e.g., assembly), and receive “PAES Dollars” that can be used in our school store
- Aut-To-Be Awake (Custom-Built) – a food delivery service where students take orders, prepare coffee, drop off items, and collect money
- Hotel Housekeeping (Custom-Built) COMING SOON – a mock hotel room will give students the chance to learn a range of housekeeping tasks
Partners in the Community
Students are also gaining valuable CTE experiences thanks to community stakeholders.
We’re super grateful for the following partnerships:
- Humane Ohio – students complete assembly tasks for this local spay/neuter clinic
- Sylvania Area Family Services
- Lucas County Board of DD
- Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
- Amazon – hosts Aut-To-Be Partners online store
- UPS Store – drop-off vendor for Aut-To-Be Partner orders
Through their collaborative efforts, these organizations are improving employment outcomes for students with autism in Northwest Ohio.