
🎓 Our 2024 Graduation Ceremony took place Thursday, June 6th at 5pm in St. Clement Hall. We honored nine students from the class of 2024!

The next wave of graduates will be recognized at an event on Thursday, June 5th, 2025.

The school generally hosts a graduation ceremony in June of each year. However, scheduling can be flexible and subject to changes.

Students who are approaching graduation, along with their parents or legal guardians, are encouraged to discuss these matters with their classroom teachers and other members of their educational team.

More Grad Info

  • Students and parents may elect to continue educational programming at the Autism Model School through the age of 21
  • Students who reach age 22 must exit public educational programming
  • Students who’ve left during the year due to age or meeting other requirements will be invited to participate in the next available graduation ceremony. Example: a student attends their last day of class in January, then returns for a graduation ceremony in June.
  • Students currently enrolled may participate in a graduation ceremony in advance of leaving school due to age or meeting other requirements. Example: a student attends a graduation ceremony in June, then returns to school up until their 22nd birthday which takes place in August.
  • All students participating in alternate assessments are not eligible to enroll in most state universities in Ohio without successful completion of additional coursework.


We want our alumni to stay connected to the Autism Model School.

Our alumni have a standing invitation to our spring prom and end-of-school-year party. They can also sign-up for an exclusive Facebook group and our e-news updates so they never miss an announcement.

Shine on AMS Stars!!! ✨

If you have any questions regarding graduation or alumni life, please contact our main office at 419.897.4400. Thanks!